Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Can't Sleep

Six minutes ago, California celebrated the dawn of the new year. And I am, for some reason, awake to spread the greetings of love and adventure in 2013. Here in Galway, it is 8:07am. I'm not waking up early. No, I haven't been to sleep. For some reason, maybe the time change/jet lag, maybe the excitement of the evening, I have not been able to sleep. I fell asleep for about an hour around 5am, but then woke up and feel pretty wide awake. So, here I am, writing about it.

Today, Chelsea and I were walking around Galway, taking in the town and running some errands, and we walked past what looked like a night club, called Carbon. There was a big poster advertising about the wonders of ringing in the new year with carbon, so we figured, why not! 9 o'clock rolled around, and after much deliberation about what to wear, Chelsea and I headed out for our New Years' Eve celebration. Of course, like the brilliant folks we are, we forgot to bring IDs, so we had to walk back to the apartment. Finally, though, we made it through the line a second time, driver's licenses in hand, and got into the club. I'm glad we forgot our IDs, actually, because while standing in line for the second time, we were right in front of a very nice couple from Galway. The girl, we found out, is originally South African, but moved to Ireland 12 years ago. Her boyfriend was born and raised here in Galway. They seemed very impressed that we were from Cali, and kept asking about the beaches and the surf. They also told us that we had to go to further up the coast because that's, apparently, where the nicest people in Ireland are.

Unfortunately, we lost them once we got inside. I say unfortunately for two reasons. One, they were very nice people. And two, we were not prepared for the Irish dance scene. They don't really dance here. They just kind of shimmy. No, shimmy is not the right word. It's more of a bob. They bob. Step, together, step, step, together, step. Chelsea and I, used to the nightclubs in San Francisco, were definitely out of our element.

In the end, though, we had a really great time. Once we got into the soft groove of the place, we found a little corner and just let loose. We had so much fun, especially when the DJ played Macklemore. We love Macklemore!! Thriftshop came on, and we got so excited. We actually made a friend over it. A really neat girl came up to us and we started talking about macklemore, and she eventually added me on Facebook. Sweet, someone to know in town.

Macklemore was actually the subject of conversation that brought us to these guys named Brian and Lamar. Brian and Lamar, we found out, are also roommates, so we ended up spending most of the night with them talking "and we danced and had a really, really, really good time" (that's a line from a Macklemore song...see what I did there? Nice, huh?). They would poke fun at us for our botched attempts at Irish accents, and we would joke about the things they said differently here. For instance, if I were to correct the above sentence as an Irish youth, I would say "we were taking the piss outta them for the things they say differently." Apparently, "takin the piss" is to joke around. Also, they totally made fun of the fact that we called French fries, French fries. Lamar ordered curry chips and Brian had taco chips. Taco chips are chili cheese fries....even though he wouldn't admit that. And curry chips are literally fries in curry. Pretty good.

So, I can honestly say that 2013 has been off to a good start. (Aside from the insomnia thing). And I cannot wait for what the rest of the year brings!

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