Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Onslaught

It's really incredible how quickly you can be transported back in time. The smell of your favorite food reminds you of cooking with mom. The feel of warm rain takes you back to a family vacation. The sight of an old friend jogs a memory of time spent at your favorite restaurant. Yesterday, I was writing a facebook message to a cousin, and the last message between us was from her, sending her love and condolences after my dad's death. Wow. In an instant, I was taken back to that time, that mind set. I struggled for air, and my heart rate picked up. The surge of emotion at a simple message on facebook was incredible. Nearly unfathomable. How is it that seeing those words, simple as they were, could bring about such an onslaught of pain?

Of course, though, after a few deep breaths, and some steadying thoughts I was back in Ireland, back to planning a weekend trip to London, back to reality. But for that moment, I was a small, scared child trying to wrap my head around a phone call that shattered my world.

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