Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm Crampin' Up, Coach!

Trees were bending, seeking cover from the cold. Birds were huddled together, seeking shelter from the rain. I had my head down and my hands tucked away, as I wound my way through the streets of Galway, just trying to make it to school. Thursday morning was particularly cold - below zero by the local weather station's accounts - and I was facing something terrible. A leg cramp.

I'd been walking about 5 minutes when it happened, about half way there. I'd already passed Finnegan's on my left and La Salsa on my right. I was just about at the bridge, when I seized up. It was a Charlie horse of epic proportions. So, of course, being the English major I am, I saw it as a metaphor. I could either give in to the pain; sit down, go get a burrito, worry about class later. Or I could work through it. Stretch a little at the stop light, take some deep breaths, make it to class on time.

I like to think that in life, I tend to do the latter. I trudge through whatever hardships come my way. Sure, I may shed a tear or two, but at the end of the day, I fight through the pain. I get past the cramp, and enjoy the reward of finishing the walk. It feels good to finish. It feels good to commit to doing something, and sticking with it. I have a dear friend who moved to Kansas City, a far way from the quiet comfort of Thousand Oaks, to pursue an opportunity working for a Catholic newspaper. I remember being in awe of the fact that she would be able to actually move across the country. The farthest I've ever moved is across the state, and that was traumatic enough. Of course, once she got to KC there were some hardships, a serious adjustment period, but she's sticking it out. I haven't talked to her in a while, but I know she must be experiencing a tremendous sense of self worth. She worked trough her leg cramp, and has worked up to a jog.

You see, life is hard. I've, in my short time, experienced a lot of pain. A lot of leg cramps and broken arms and tremendous heartache, but I just keep going. I am lucky enough to have people surrounding me, my own track team (may as well really stick to the metaphor) helping me along the way; training with me, growing with me, holding me up when I need it and being equally supported when they need me. I have a life filled with joy and beauty because I choose to seek it out. Sometimes it's hard to see the finish line when you can barely walk, but I feel confident saying, I will always make it to the end.

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